Javnost - The Public Journal

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Javnost – The Public is a quarterly scholarly journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana). Launched in 1994, the journal publishes original articles in the social sciences, addressing issues of the public sphere on international and interdisciplinary levels, stimulating the development of theory and research, and helps facilitating an understanding of cultural diversity. Contributors tackle the many facets of the public, such as public communication, public opinion, public discourse, publicness, publicity, and public life, from a variety of disciplinary and theoretical perspectives.

International character of the journal

The editorial advisory board consists of academics based at universities across the globe. The language of the publication is English with abstracts and the occasional article in Slovenian. The major part of each issue is devoted to a specific theme, traditionally one concerning the international theoretical sphere, while the remainder of the issue is reserved for contributions centred on general topics, book reviews, essays, research reports and commentaries. Subscribers may also access past and current issues online. The journal is supported by the Ministry of Culture.

Recent topics

In one of the more recent issues of the journal titled How Does Law Communicate?, contributors opened a space for discussion on the question of the law and its public perception and its connection to the ideas of gender equality, free speech, media reporting and society in general: Free Speech and Ideology: Society, Politics, Law (Dario Mazzola), Virginia Governor’s “Executive Order 51”: How Control, Consent and Care Collide in Emergency Laws (Reingard Nethersole), The Sacrificial Communications of the Law During and after Apartheid (Jaco Barnard-Naudé), The Hermeneutics of Gender Equality Law in Europe (Sanja Ivic), Responding to Covid-19: Emergency Laws and the Return to Government in South Africa (Klaus Kotzé).

See also

External links

Revija Javnost +
quarterly +
Revija Javnost +
SI-1001 Ljubljana +
Kardeljeva ploščad 16 +
Javnost – The Public is a quarterly scholarly journal published by the European Institute for Communication and Culture in association with the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ljubljana). +
+386 / 1 580 5242 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1001 +
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